Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Stockholm Kartell
Created by Severed Books
Dread Risen - A fully articulated Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Johan and Pelle of Stockholm Kartell
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dead Rat and Skull Flail Contest Results Soon & More
6 months ago
– Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 11:35:17 AM
HI all, quick update.
We will have the results of the Dead Rat and Skull Flail contest soon. It's been tough, frankly. Mörk Borg has some of the most creative people running and playing and making for it. These sick submissions make that obvious.
The figures: manufacturing is going along well. The factory is still working on the injection molds. This process does take a while and we're as anxious as you to see some pics.
Severed has some new minis in the shop if you're looking for dark/weird dudes. The Boss Party minis come with a system-neutral mini zine, but also have Mörk Borg friendly stats. Mark Riddick is one of the featured artists.
BACKERKIT Pledge Manager is OPEN
7 months ago
– Fri, Aug 09, 2024 at 05:14:26 AM
Hi everyone! the Backerkit pledge manager is open now. You will need to go the Backerkit.com and log in to finish your pledge. You can also buy add-ons.
Is you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Email is the only place we can answer and track customer requests thoughtfully.
Quick Update - Smoke Test for the Pledge Manager
7 months ago
– Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 02:12:26 PM
We sent out the "smoke test" for the pledge manager to catch any hiccups. A few backers are reporting something that we need Backerkit to adjust before we send out the pledge manager to everyone. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Depending on the speed of Backerkit's response and fix, we should be sending out the pledge manager to everyone by the end of the week :)
Quick update + Veilgrave by the creators of The Spine of Night launches tomorrow w/ freebie
8 months ago
– Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 04:29:48 AM
Hi everyone!
We're making a lot of progress on the molding procedures now. All the sculpting is done and the factory is fitting/engineering everything into each injection mold. No pics to share yet, but we're hoping for those soon. One surprise is that every figure will come with a pare set of hands! This will allow you to switch them out if you want to -- tight and less tight grip to hold a variety of weapons.
VEILGRAVE launches tomorrow! Friday July 12 at 11AM EST (New York time)
Veilgrave by Morgan King and Philip Gelatt of the film The Spine of Night and Severed Books have teamed up on an adventure filled with strange drugs and fiending skeleton warriors.
Writing by Philip Gelatt and Morgan King
Art and Design by Justin Sirois
Cover by Mark Riddick
Your debt to the Silver Clutch of Schlewsig is colossal. The only way to repay it is to undertake a dangerous journey into the Sarkash Forest in search of a certain quantity of a certain drug known as Kairos. Kairos is the drug du jour among the rich and decadent of the cities but all that’s known of its source are dark rumors and unsettling murmurs. It’s said that gangs run the Kairos trade out of the forest. It’s said they protect the source of the drug with abhorrent violence. It’s said that lurking in the heart of the wood is a secret most horrible.
This sandbox adventure for use with Morkborg or other RPGs contains startling adventure hooks, memorable characters, bespoke customization rules (including player character skeletonization mechanics), and multiple dungeons ripe for exploration. Just us beyond the forest of Sarkash the mysteries of the Veilgrave await illumination...
3-6 players
One short or multiple night adventure (if your party survives)
For low to mid level characters
Easily adaptable to other systems
FREE Severed Executioner wood mini (Small Party) for every physical pledge in the first 72 hours after launch! Offer ends on the 15th at 11am EST.
The art, creativity and expansiveness of independent RPG's has exploded over the years but Mörk Borg is bubbling with an evil buzz that sets it apart! It has drawn creatives that have a deep reverence for old RPG's and want to contribute in new and insane ways that keep it fresh. I for one, am pumped to see these guys spill their brains into the Mork Borg realm! Sign me up! - Skinner
Veilgrave is a journey into the flesh ripping, blood dripping, intestinal sipping bowels of the world of Mörk Borg. A++ fun for the whole family! - Jake Roper - Vsauce
"Hey, you skull dust inhaling cretins. VEILGRAVE is Mork Borg's most twisted, exciting module yet. You likely won't survive it, but it'll be fun. Existential Skeleton is now the name of my new band." - Paul Tremblay, New York Times bestselling author of Horror Movie
Haven't seen The Spine of Night? Treat yourself. Seriously.
What's Next? How to contact us. Veilgrave? The Spine of Night?
9 months ago
– Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 05:22:45 AM
Wow, that was a wild ride. Thank you all for your support in making the first indie RPG action figure a reality. I think it's the first? Anyway, we -- you -- did it!
You will be able to pick your variant(s) in the pledge manager (Backerkit) when it is live. This will take a few weeks or more as we collect pledges, people correct credit cards, and funds are transferred. We also have to build out the pledge manager and this one is a little complex. You'll be able to add on more add-ons as well.
We're working with the factory now on the articulation and prototypes. Things are moving along well and we have all the sculpting 100% done.
If you have any questions, you must email [email protected] -- this is the only way we can track and archive requests.
Our next project is with Phil and Morgan of the movie, The Spine of Night. You can sign up for Veilgrave here. Art by me. Cover by the legend Mark Riddick.
Haven't seen The Spine of Night? Check this out. It's violent so be warned.